Gavin Junk – Studying at La Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnologia in Costa Rica

Hello, I am Gavin Junk! I am from a small town called Mishicot, Wisconsin and am now attending UW Stout. I am Junior in college majoring in Technology Education and a minor in Business Administration. I am currently studying at ULACIT, in Costa Rica. The weather here is perfect, mostly 75 degrees and sunny. The host family has been amazing here and I am living with 5 other study abroad students from different countries.

I have been here for 5 weeks now, classes are very relaxed, the teachers are always there to help you and encourage you on how you can improve. It is very common for students to come in 15 minutes late because of the relaxed lifestyle. I am taking classes in applied micro, international business, project management and intercultural communication. The classes are all group work and there are no tests. The locals really enjoy having students here and becoming friends with all of us.

There are a lot of places to see here that all the locals recommend, and they are all beautiful. The beaches are amazing, and you get the whole weekend to explore new places and can see everything. Since I got here, I have travelled to 6 different locations, was only at home one weekend and even then, I was able to climb a mountain and go to a coffee plantation.

The reason that I decided to come here is because of all the natural beauty, with climbing mountains, having some of the most diverse wildlife, the weather, hot springs, volcanoes, and beaches. Wherever you go, you can hike or go to a beach. One of my favorite places so far was Arenal that had waterfalls, a volcano, and hot springs; it had some of the greatest views that I have ever seen. This was one of the best decisions that I have made coming here and can’t wait to see the rest of the country.

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